Natural Ubtan for Baby Fairness and Hair Removal

Natural Ubtan for Baby Fairness and Hair Removal

How Can I Make My Baby’s Skin Fair and Glow Naturally with Ubtan?

Changing a baby’s skin color isn’t possible because genetics determines a baby’s skin tone. Yet, you can focus on keeping your baby’s skin healthy and glowing with proper care. Here are some simple and natural tips to help:

Tips for Healthy and Glowing Baby Skin

  1. Gentle Cleansing:
    • Use a mild baby cleanser or a homemade Ubtan made from gram flour (besan), raw milk, and rose water. This can help to cleanse the skin gently without harsh chemicals. Always do a patch test first to ensure it’s safe for your baby.
  2. Moisturizing:
    • Apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer. Natural oils like coconut oil or almond oil are also good. These keep your baby’s skin soft and hydrated.
  3. Sun Protection:
    • Limit your baby’s sun exposure, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Dress your baby in lightweight clothing and a wide-brimmed hat. For babies older than six months, you can use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30.
  4. Gentle Exfoliation:
    • Use a soft washcloth during bath time to gently exfoliate the skin. Avoid using rough scrubs or abrasive materials.
  5. Natural Packs:
    • You can apply a mild Ubtan body pack made from safe ingredients like sandalwood powder, gram flour, and rose water. These can make the skin look healthy and glowing but won’t change its natural color.
  6. Oil Massage:
    • Regularly massage your baby with warm olive oil or almond oil. This helps moisturize the skin and can also help your baby relax and sleep better.
  7. Balanced Diet:
    • For babies older than six months, introduce fruits and vegetables into their diet. Foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E are good for the skin.
  8. Hydration:
    • Make sure your baby stays hydrated, especially in warm weather. For infants, breast milk or formula is enough.
  9. Avoid Harsh Products:
    • Stay away from soaps and products with artificial fragrances and harsh chemicals. These can irritate your baby’s sensitive skin.

How Can I Remove Baby Hair at Home?

Newborn baby hair, known as lanugo, is perfectly normal and helps protect your baby’s skin. Here’s what you should know:

Understanding Baby Hair

  1. Normalcy of Baby Hair:
    • Lanugo is a natural part of your baby’s development. It usually sheds on its own within the first few months of life.
  2. Genetics:
    • The amount of hair a baby has is determined by genetics. Some babies may have more hair than others, and this is completely normal.

Is Hair Removal Necessary?

  • Not Required: There’s no need to remove your baby’s hair for health reasons. The hair will naturally shed over time.
  • Cosmetic Considerations: Some parents choose to remove baby hair for appearance. This is a personal choice. If you decide to do it, always use gentle methods to avoid irritating your baby’s skin.

Safe Methods for Hair Removal

If you decide to remove excess baby hair, consider these gentle methods:

  1. Gentle Massage with Oils:
    • Massaging your baby’s skin with olive oil or almond oil can help soften the hair. This encourages it to shed naturally.
  2. Homemade Ubtan:
    • A paste made from gram flour (besan), turmeric, and milk can be applied to the skin. Once it dries, gently rub it off to help remove some of the hair without causing irritation.
  3. Wheat Flour Dough:
    • Knead a soft dough using whole wheat flour, turmeric, and almond oil. Rubbing this dough gently on the skin can help with hair removal. It also moisturizes the skin.


While you can’t change your baby’s natural skin color, you can help keep their skin healthy and glowing. A proper skincare routine is the way. Always talk to a paediatrician before trying new products or routines. This ensures they’re safe for your baby. Remember, removing your baby’s hair is not necessary. Many parents choose to let nature take its course. If you do decide to remove hair for cosmetic reasons, always use gentle methods. Consult with a pediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby’s skin or hair.



To learn more about how natural ubtan helps baby’s Skin Fair and Glow: